the team

From farmers to architects, marketeers to producers. Our “on the ground” team is essential to the everyday running and success. Added to this is our leadership team, promoting the long-term sustainable success of Eko Agro Group and a dedicated group of subject-matter experts, all specialists in their fields of expertise, and passionate about our scientific roots.

Salvatore Toscano
Founder and President​

Econometrist with 35 years experience in Systems engineering, Investments, Strategy and Technology. He worked in the fields of energy, entertainment technology and telecoms security.

Brunella Pavesi
Vice Chairman​

A PhD in Physics and 40 years’ experience in high technology industries. She has worked in Telespazio and directed international studies and projects for NASA, ESA, ITU and the Russian Space Agency.

Alessandro Piccione
Member of the Board​

Director of ASCARIA Consulting srl – Rome; PM/ PAC controller at SIN Spa Engineering; Former head of the agricultural cadastral division of Centro Cartografico Italiano.

Massimo Antonini
Member of the Board​

President of Agrimercato Lazio, and the Association of Historical Cheeses of the Roman Countryside; Vice-President “Ricotta Romana DOP” and Director of Coldiretti Rome “Knight of Agriculture”.

Laura Tassinari Zugni Tauro
Member of the Board

Laura brings experience from ICT and TLC multinationals and is currently Director of the Cluster and Research Area of Lazio Innova. Listed among the 150 most influential women in Italy in innovation.

Hans Jöhr
Agricultural Subject-Matter Expert

Former Corporate Head of Agriculture at Nestlé, Director of the Board of IFCN, cofounder of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform of the Food Industry. Specialist knowledge in agri-business and forestry.

Francesco Palermo
Technology Subject-Matter Expert

Adv. Physics, Research and Development of Innovative Technologies. 20 years of experience in Business Consulting and Venture Capital Strategic and management consulting at IBM. Founder and CEO of INGENIO S.r.l.

Antonella Di Ninno
Scientific Subject-Matter Expert

ENEA Research Center of Frascati, Head of Bio-electromagnetics research. Coordinated a project on the nuclear properties of deuterium in metal lattices with the Nobel Prize winner Carlo Rubbia.

Angelo Aiello
Financial Subject-Matter Expert

Arthur Andersen’s corporate finance Director and Italian Ministery of Agiculture’s chief of investments. Angelo has conducted > 300 analytical projects in the Agrifood Industry and was ISMEA’s Chief of credit.

Michele Carpentieri di Colloredo Mels
Communication Subject-Matter Expert

Head of H2OIL Press Agency for energy  & environmental care and Interactive Services specialized in multimedia. Michele carries 20 years expertise in publishing, TV networks, social networks and press offices.

Salvatore Toscano
Founder and President

Econometrist with 35 years experience in Systems engineering, Investments, Strategy and Technology. He worked in the fields of energy, entertainment technology and telecoms security.

Laura Tassinari Zugni Tauro
Member of the Board

Laura brings experience from ICT and TLC multinationals and is currently Director of the Cluster and Research Area of Lazio Innova. Listed among the 150 most influential women in Italy in innovation

Salvatore Toscano
Founder and President

Econometrist with 35 years experience in Systems engineering, Investments, Strategy and Technology. He worked in the fields of energy, entertainment technology and telecoms security.

Laura Tassinari Zugni Tauro
Member of the Board

Laura brings experience from ICT and TLC multinationals and is currently Director of the Cluster and Research Area of Lazio Innova. Listed among the 150 most influential women in Italy in innovation